Home Build a Healthy Pantry

In 2010, the average supermarket carried 38,718 items—no wonder there is so much confusion about what ingredients and food items to choose and why!


We've spent years selecting the best ingredients for our pantry. Now we're sharing our rationale to help make your grocery shopping experiences less overwhelming.

Our approach is to stock our panty with pure ingredients instead of processed ones (think pure maple syrup versus a name brand pancake syrup). When you choose pure ingredients you protect your body from a wide variety of additives and preservatives.

Recognizing that some additives and preservatives are unavoidable, we have come to rely heavily on the advice of the Center for Science in the Public Interest, a consumer watchdog organization headquartered in Washington, DC.  Their "Chemical Cuisine" list is an easy-to-use reference that catagorizes chemical additives and preservatives into five categories: safe, caution, cut back, certain people should avoid, and avoid. 




© 2008-2025 Buffaloberries Select Ingredient Bar. All rights reserved.

Delicious. Healthy. Smashing idea.