Buffaloberries™ is Committed to Protecting Planet Earth and Practices Good Environmentally Stewardship by
- Using biodegradable and recycled paper products for all our printing
- Using biodegradable and sustainable packaging for all to-go breakfasts
- Purchasing eco-friendly tuna from fisheries that have received certification of sustainability from the the Marine Stewardship Council
- Recycling plastic, corrugated cardboard, aluminum, paper, and glass
- Using an energy-efficient, hybrid Prius for all of our shopping needs
- Avoiding polystyrene (#6) and polyvinyl chloride (#3) plastics
- Using low voltage lighting and energy saving light bulbs
- Using induction and convection cooking appliances
- Using a powerless water-softening system
- Using a programmable thermostat system for heating & cooling
Buffaloberries™ is Proud to Support the Efforts of