Home What We Do Meet Our Founder

Buffaloberries™ founder Karen Johnson with her daughter, Jenn, and son, Nate.

A Passion for Better Nutrition

My passion for better nutrition began in the late 1990’s while I was serving on the American Cancer Society’s Midwestern Division Board of Directors.

Our Board was working directly with senior staff members to develop long-term goals that could be closely matched to available resources. During the process I became acutely aware of the importance of nutrition for cancer prevention. As I continued to review available research I became extremely interested in the broader role of nutrition for disease prevention and management.

Focusing on areas of consensus among dietary experts, I began to develop deliciously healthy menu items made exclusively from select ingredients.


A Love of Public Education

Prior to founding Buffaloberries™ in 2007, I served as a healthcare administrator in the area of oncology. In that capacity I was privileged to serve on numerous local, regional, and national task forces, boards, and committees. I was also chosen to testify before the President’s Cancer Panel on underserved populations and barriers to cancer care.

In addition to my prior employment in the field of healthcare, I have also worked in the fields of public education, higher education and the Arts.

I am a graduate of Sioux Falls Washington High School (1972)  and Augustana University (1976) and the mother of two grown children. I hope the information on this website will inspire you to make healthy food choices for yourself and your loved ones.

© 2008-2025 Buffaloberries Select Ingredient Bar. All rights reserved.

Delicious. Healthy. Smashing idea.